"In lieu of a map, the body is a charter of old wisdom, rich in instinct. Every desire, pulse of longing, all those shapeless dreams that tug you awake at 3 am—these, too, are ancient symbols. You are plume and bone—same as the graylag goose who lifts her head at autumn’s first twinge. How she gives her breast to the wind. Healing, I think, is mostly just the body not abandoning the body. To make good on the promises you once made. To listen to the skin’s spined senses, nosing you in a new direction."

I read this like a spell. Thank you for sharing these innermost memories and experiences with us.

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This was such a beautiful, powerful read. I pre-ordered your upcoming books last year. As a poet myself I am soooo excited about the workshop! Already registered!

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The two photos of you side by side made me well up...Such a beautiful reconnection.

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Such luscious, interesting and moving work! Thank you!

"Healing, I think, is mostly just the body not abandoning the body."

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I was patiently waiting for this one because I knew it'd be gold. Thank you 💜

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I have the word 'Saudade' tattooed on my forearm. It's the Portuguese word for intense longing of the soul. I too, was raised in a foreign land and have felt the tug in my heartstrings since I left at age six. I've returned many times to kiss the earth and feel the heartbeat of 'home'.

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I think you did have the right to love the country. North America is full of people from other places who love it – why not Africa?

Great story.

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Chills. Beautifully written. I'm so moved, I'm crying at work haha and I'm so glad you found some peace. Thank you for sharing this

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Marvellous writing Joy, thank you for taking us there so vividly.

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Daughter of medical missionaries, evacuated from central Africa in the 90s?? Good lord, girl, SAME. In my case it was DRC (back when it was still Zaire), 1991. I've yet to make it back but you'd better believe it's on my bucket list. Traveling West is on my nightstand and "Lemons" just about killed me. I've got mamba memories in spades and plenty of sibling guilt from that era, as well.

Thanks so much for writing the way you do and for telling these vital stories. They've become vital to me, too. For folks like us, what else is there?

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If you haven’t read The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver you absolutely should! The audiobook was great

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Magic. Pure magic.

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Thank you for the beautiful invitations in the very last paragraph- worthy of a lived response.

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I was a missionary kid too--I know all about the classical homeschool curriculum and the cognitive dissonance of feeling a deep connection to a place that you're not technically "from," but like...you are? but like not? I got to live in Malaysia for 18 years and leave in a less sudden way, I can't imagine the pain and trauma that came from having to leave C.A.R under those circumstances. Thank you for this lovely piece of writing and I hope that the peace you felt on this trip continues to carry you. :)

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Damn. I was captivated by every word of this.

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Such beautiful words, as always. So excited for your book coming out. And now a workshop too!! ☺️

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