Aug 19Liked by Joy Sullivan

My #1 hated phrase is “girlboss”. Please. You’re offending feminism everywhere by saying this 🤮. Loved this piece, Joy, I share in many of these annoyances though if I may, I have to push back against sammie..that one’s just fun to say!

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Damn, gutting. Would you say "sammie" or "sando" though? I need to know. xx

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Aug 19Liked by Joy Sullivan

I do in fact say sammie. I hope this doesn’t change your opinion of me, but if it does, I humbly understand

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I saw a meme recently that said something to the effect of "forget being a girl boss. I want to be a girl moss, lie in the forest and become covered in moss." That I could get behind.

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oooh agreed, Girl Boss is yeckkkkk

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Yes! See also “boss babe” and “step into your power”.

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Aug 19Liked by Joy Sullivan

Please tell me you enjoyed no more moments with that guy. They should confiscate his phone, if not his thumbs.

Lately, people have been using "double-click" to refer to exploring a topic further. "I like that idea. Let's double-click on that next week." I want to right-click them all into the trash.

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OH NO🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 new corporate “words” for me to hate!!!

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I’m so sorry I had to be the one to break that to you

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😧 I hadn’t previously considered myself capable of murder, but if anyone asks me to ‘double-click’ on something that isn’t a mouse or touchpad I may surprise myself.

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I get it. The first time I heard it, I thought it was a joke. Then it spread like a fungus. It’s gross.

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i have to believe you made this up!!

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I wish, Mikala...I wish

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That is appalling!

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It really is

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Omg yes. I heard this the other day and couldn’t stop the face I made. It’s just so awful.

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Referring to your friends as your "Tribe"

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Who said TRIBE???? 😠😵‍💫

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When I hear these phrases I don't get frustrated with others instead I become internally jaded because it becomes clearly apparent I have taken a wrong path and ended up in a place I don't belong.

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I genuinely despise all the shortened trendy forms of words: biz, convo, totes, inspo, perf, on and on it goes. Why can’t anyone be bothered to use a whole word anymore? Why!!!???

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"Convo" and "inspo"! I forgot about those ones when I left my comment.

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Kiddos Littles and furbabies...yuck! I'm sorry but "hold space for" has had all the tenderness wrung out of it 😔

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A friend of mine was a Star Trek fan and called his children "Carbon based human units"

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Immediate jail time for your friend.

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I love this piece so much.

"It is what it is" makes my head explode.

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YES! This one just makes me feel rage!!!

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Love this post. And hate the demand to ‘live laugh love.’ Also ‘life hack’ makes me want to vomit!

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I literally cannot with any version of live laugh love. These horrible placards have no place in our homes, take them down now!

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Yes life hacks ... a list of things you already knew but just couldn't be bothered to sit down and write it all out!

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agree with you Megan

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Joy, this is exactly the kind of message I want in my inbox on a Monday morning. Thank you for making me laugh. I will spend the rest of the week seething anytime someone tells me their calendar is up to date.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Joy Sullivan

If you hate inappropriately abbreviated words you'd hate Australia. We love a 'sambo' as much as we love turning every possible word, name and phrase into some form of shortened slang 😂

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Yes, I also came to say that brekkie is a legitimate word in Australis!!

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Hahahahah came here to say this. Straya!

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Straya! Exactly.

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I should be working but reading this was a far better use of my time! I always love a good rant in the morning. It's possible that I'm an occasional offender and do use phrases like "The husband". Initially I used it as a joke but somehow it's crept into my vocabulary. I think my most hated term is currently "butt-hurt". It just sounds gross. Why would you say such a thing? Seems so condescending. I also dislike the words moist and panties. My husband has started combining them just to watch me squirm. Thanks for starting my week off right!

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I also hate "panties" and your husband sounds similar to mine.

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It's probably too late, but when did 'gift' become a verb? You're given a gift. Yes, I'm a pedant. And I die inside when someone refers to their 'holibobs'. My nails hurt writing it.

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Gift as a verb? No. Also wondering when it became accepted. Especially loathsome: gifting yourself. 👎

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Holibobs 🤢

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I came here to say holibobs.

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In Seinfeld, they coined regift (to give a gift someone gave you that you didn’t want) and the noun form, regifter.

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Aug 19Liked by Joy Sullivan

At my new job, some people say "I'm going to take a quick bio break" when they have to go to the bathroom and it is the worst part of my otherwise lovely job, LOL. Truly, just say "I'll be back in a minute" if you don't want to say "I have to pee"......

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How does that make sense?!

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"oop sorry just need to take some time to fulfill my basic human functions. so embarrassing to be a person and not a robot!!"

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I prefer, "gotta go to the shitter" or "gotta break one off."

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Aug 19Liked by Joy Sullivan

What a great way to start the day! Laughing my “ass-off” by the piece , and these comments, too. Love it. Two things that come to mind that drive me nuts are: “ I COULD care less”…. They mean the absolute opposite and I don’t see how they can’t see how ridiculous this is. I could care less mean that they actually care quite a bit!

And, the word “season” is being way over used right now. In this “season” of my life, or “I’m going through a tough season, right now. “

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Perhaps “season” is being used in the sense of a sports season, which generally overlaps the calendar seasons. Teams and fans have good seasons and bad seasons. I think that’s an interesting usage.

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Aug 19Liked by Joy Sullivan

I'm just so curious how that second date went.

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I didn't enjoy the little moments.

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